Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dunmer Slavers

(Nice little setup you have here)
The Dunmer Slavers have a large operation set up in the Blackwood under the veritable nose of Cheydenhal and the Imperial Legion, both of which are tied up with assassination of the Emperor and the Oblivion Crisis.

You can become aware of there presence by seeing notices posted in Cheydenhal or Bravil. If you happen across either Marsh Punk, Seran or Nayon Camps will also be a clue.

(We are not slaves to fashion, anyway)
Seran is the largest of the camps, with many guards, for good reason. This is where the Argonian prisoners are being held under lock and key. If you move to help them, the camp becomes hostile towards you.

The only real opposition they have met with thus far would be the Argonians themselves. The Slaver's Log located in Marsh Punk Camp details the operation of all three camps, as well as the attacks from the local Argonians.

Marsh Punk Camp is not far away, and is where the leader of the expedition resides, Chief Derahed Faylu - she is not to be trifled with.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to thank you so much for this guide. It has been an absolute huge help and has shown me what some of the content I can find in OOO is !
