Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul has added dozens of new armor-types. This is a working list of items I've found. Images will be updated as full sets are acquired. Some locations have been provided by other players and by Devnull, and notation has been included.
Light Armor
Arctic Fur Armor |
This armor is worn by the bandits that have been harassing the people of Bruma. Similar to simple fur armors favored by Nords, but these hardened people have the skill needed to fight the fearsome snow cats and tundra wolves.
(Does this cuirass make me look evil?) |
Blood Leather Armor
This leather has been specially treated, giving it the crimson hue that makes it famous. Though the exact process is unknown, some surmise that blood is used in the process - others dismiss this as mere rumor.
Blue Glass Armor
Pieces of this rare type of glass armor can be found in various caves and forts across Cyrodiil.
(Blue Glass Armor locations provided to Devnull by Holmarion)
Cuirass: Thundering Steps Cave
Boots: Mongrel's Tooth Cave
Gauntlets: The Beast's Maw
Greaves: Unmarked Cave
Helmet: Fort Horunn
Shield: In Waterfall by Charcoal Cave
Drakefired Glass
This specially treated glass has taken on the color of glowing coals. These are some locations the armor is rumored to be in:
Cuirass: Grave Ground Cave and Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (
Helmet: Fort Rayles
Greaves: Fort Flecia (
Gauntlets: FortFlecia (
Gauntlets: Shattered Scales Cave (
(Take back what you said about my hat) |
Night Elven Armor
This armor is favored by assassins and and nightblades. Some say the undead are partial to the dark metal.
Shadow Armor
This armor was crafted by the Shadowscales of Blackmarsh.
Heavy Armor
Dragon Armor
The Dragon's Companion: Ice Dragon Clan Base
The Dragon's Guardian: Ice Dragon Clan Base
The Dragon's Iron Fist: Rizakar
The Dragon's Pace: Rizakar
The Dragon's Savior: Rizakar
The Dragon's Spellshards: Ice Dragon Clan Base
The Dragon's Skin: Dragonclaw Rock (
Eldar Armor
Noble Armor
Noble Shield can be found in Skingrad Castle Lord's Manor, behind the bed; and Lipsand Tarn (
The cuirass is located in both Fort Flecia (
theKettle) and worn by Skingrad Captain Dion (
The greaves are worn by Skingrad Captain Dion (
Dazu) and also found in Dostares Ruins (
The gauntlets are worn by Skingrad Captain Dion (
Dazu) and a pair is located in Francois Motierre's Basement in Chorrol (
The boots can be found in Fort Flecia (
theKettle) and are also worn by Skingrad Captain Dion (
Obsidian Armor
Ornate Obsidian Armor can be located in Fort Facian.
Winged Armor
Unique Armor
Dread Armor
Imago Storm Armor
Melius Petelius' Armor