Saturday, January 9, 2016

Argonian Smugglers

(This one wishes his friends would wear clothes)
In several damp and flooded caves the Argonian Smugglers have entrenched themselves in highly defensible positions that keep them safe from prying eyes and more importantly from the Dunmer Slavers who have established operations nearby.

You can find the Argonians in several caves, including Blood Clot Cave, Gloom Way Cave,  and Red Gill Cave. There are high-ranking members in each cave, but only the leader with trade with you, and then only if you help free the Argonian Prisoners from the pen at Seran Camp and see them safely to a nearby cave. If not enough survive you're out of luck when it comes to trading with the Smugglers.

Conversely, if you feel like helping the slavers, you can attack the Argonians in their dens and make a good name for yourself with the Slavers.

The leader of the Argonian Smugglers is Eidkee Vshiir, and you can tell he's a leader because he's actually wearing clothes.

Initially the Smugglers will be neutral to you, they may be less friendly if you are a Dunmer, but will not be overtly hostile unless you attack. If you kill any of their key leaders they will attack you on sight (unless you kill key Slavers to make it up to them).

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